When Colorado's pioneers arrived, they quickly discovered that Colorado's arid climate posed unique water allocation problems. The pioneers, mostly miners, created a new system of allocation based on mining laws and the principle of "first in time, first in right." This system, known as the prior appropriation doctrine, is the foundation of water law in Colorado and some other western states.
Over time, Colorado water law has developed into a complex system for allocating the use of water to meet the demands of Colorado's water users. To be successful in this system, Colorado water rights owners must create and execute a plan to protect their water rights in both the courtroom and the streams and ditches across Colorado.
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C. has been helping Colorado water users navigate Colorado's complex water law system since 1973. Moses Wittemyer is named a Tier 1 Water Law firm on the U.S. News & World Report, list of "Best Law Firms."
Whatever your needs, please contact Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison, and Woodruff, P.C. to discuss how we can help you accomplish your goals.
Areas of Expertise
Water Rights AdjudicationWater Rights Transactions
Municipal Water Planning
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