Our Attorneys

James R. Montgomery
James R. Montgomery (born 1951) joined the Boulder, Colorado law firm of Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C. in 1980 with a law degree from the University of Colorado (1980) and a bachelor of arts degree from the Athenaeum of Ohio (1973). His law practice has emphasized municipal water supply planning and implementation, interstate water apportionment, federal reserved water rights, and federal endangered species and environmental protection. He served the State of Wyoming for more than 20 years as Special Assistant Attorney General for interstate water matters. Mr. Montgomery has represented municipal water suppliers in Colorado, working closely with water rights and civil engineers in water supply planning, water rights planning and adjudication. He has adjudicated changes of water rights and complex water exchange plans as part of the implementation of water supply planning efforts for those municipalities. Mr. Montgomery has also represented a national land conservation organization in the conveyance and adjudication of water rights and changes of water rights associated with several land or conservation easement acquisitions in Colorado. He has also assisted ranchers and other individuals in the development, protection and change of their water rights. He has delivered presentations for continuing legal education seminars on basic water rights and interstate water issues.
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