Practice Areas

Transfers and Changes of Water Rights

A water right is characterized by a number of traits such as the amount of water that can be used, the type of use to which it can be put, the location where the water can be used and the point of diversion from the stream. Owners of water rights in Colorado can change the point of diversion, place of use and type of use of their water rights. In order to do so, owners must obtain a decree from the Water Court allowing the change. Proceedings in Water Court to change a water right often involve complex technical or legal issues because the applicant must prove that the change will not cause injury to other users. Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C., has the necessary experience and expertise to successfully navigate this process for both applicants who need to change a water right and other users who need to be protected from injury as a result of a proposed change.

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